• Able to display your profile information.
  • Able to follow other user you care about and check activity information.
    > (SAMPLE)CELSYS official account
  • Able to check information on various services.

So what should we do first?

View Profile

In services such as ASSETS, ASK, TIPS, if you find a user you care about, take a look at that user's profile.
Also, enrich your profile and appeal to those who are interested in you.

Let's follow

If you find a user you like, try following them. Following them will allow you to check their activities. Activities are activity records such as posts and reactions (Likes!, Comments etc.). These can be checked on your timeline.

If you and the user are Following each other, you can exchange Direct Messages.

  • Able to send Direct Messages to user who posted material from detail page on ASSETS. In this case, you don't need to Following that user.

About Menu


When you access the service, this page is displayed first. Activities of you and the user you are following are displayed in the timeline.


Various notifications will arrive.

Direct Messages

Able to exchange messages privately with users who are in a mutual follow state. If you post materials, you may also receive questions about your materials.

  • Able to send Direct Messages to user who posted material from detail page on ASSETS. In this case, you don't need to Following that user.

Your action history will be displayed.

Edit your profile

Able to set / edit self-introduction, Cover image, links such as external SNS accounts and HP.


Push notification settings: You can receive push notifications on iPhone, iPad, Galaxy, and Android devices that have Clip Studio Paint installed. Email notice: Some notifications able to also be received via email.
Block: Able to limit the relationship with a specific user.

  • If you block, you'll be unable to follow each other, and unable to view profile each other. Furthermore you'll be unable to send Direct Messages.
  • If you block, Following, Follower, Follow request will be released or canceled at block execution.

Privacy Setting: Restrict public information. For details, please refer "Privacy Setting".

Notification mark(Green or red mark)

When there is an unread notification or a Direct Message, we will inform you by displaying a mark to the profile image on the header right. It's displayed even when using other services such as ASSETS.
When important notification are included, they are displayed in red.

About Activities

Actions that appear on the timeline as Activities are as follows.

Service Event
ASSETS Material posting
TIPS Question / Answer posting
ASSETS "Like!" to material
ASK "Like!" to Question / Answer
TIPS "Liked!" a TIPS
TIPS Commented on a TIPS
ASSETS Posted material entered the rankings (Weekly / Monthly)
  • Ranking is classified as "reaction". It is displayed once a week for Weekly and once a month for Monthly.

About Notifications

The list of notifications for each service are as follows.

Service Event
PROFILE Followed by someone, or received a Follow Request.
PROFILE Your Follow Request was accepted.
PROFILE New direct message (important)
Annual/Monthly plan Plan payment successful (important)
Annual/Monthly plan Plan payment failed (important)
Annual/Monthly plan Plan cancellation successful (Important)
Annual/Monthly plan Plan due to expire soon (important)
Annual/Monthly plan Plan expired (important)
Annual/Monthly plan Monthly/annual plan automatic renewal approaching (important)
Update Pass Update Pass payment successful (Important)
Update Pass Update Pass payment failed (Urgent)
Update Pass Plan cancellation successful (Important)
Update Pass Update Pass due to expire soon (Urgent)
Update Pass Update Pass expired (Urgent)
Update Pass Monthly/annual plan automatic renewal approaching (important)
ACCOUNT A new member has joined the team
ACCOUNT A team member has set Teamwork
ACCOUNT A team has been deleted (important)
ACCOUNT You have Clippy points that will expire at the end of this month (important)
ACCOUNT You have GOLD points that will expire at the end of this month (important)
ASSETS Update to a material you purchased/downloaded (important)
ASSETS The material you purchased or acquired is no longer available for use, so has been deleted accordingly (important)
ASSETS You got a bonus for publishing a free material
ASSETS The material you posted has been downloaded (a number of times)
ASSETS The material you posted was liked (a number of times)
ASSETS The material you posted was gifted (a number of times)
ASSETS Notifications regarding the material posting function (important)
ASSETS The number of times you can receive your annual/monthly plan bonus was reset.
ASK The question you posted received an answer (important)
ASK There is one day left before the question you posted (which has answers) closes (important)
ASK An additional answer was posted to the question you answered.
ASK The question you answered has been resolved (important)
ASK Your answer has been chosen as the best answer (important)
ASK An additional answer was posted to the question you listed Favorites.
ASK The question you listed Favorites has been resolved.
ASK The question you posted was liked (a number of times)
ASK The answer you posted was liked (a number of times)
TIPS Notifications regarding stories you posted (important)
TIPS The Tips you posted was liked (a number of times)
TIPS A comment was left on a TIPS you posted
TIPS Notifications regarding Tips you posted (important)
SHARE The work you published was liked (a number of times)
SHARE The work you published was favorited (a number of times)
SHARE Someone left a comment on your work (a number of times)
SHARE Notifications regarding works you published (important)
  • Notifications that are sent after a certain number of actions has been reached will be sent as follows.
    • 1 - 9 times: every day
    • 10 - 90 times: every 10
    • 100 - 900 times: every 100
    • 1,000 - 9,000: every 1,000 times
    • over 9,000: every 10,000 times
  • You can toggle mobile notifications on or off one-by-one in the [Push notification settings] menu.

Please take in consideration when making a post.

Details can be found in “Post and Behavior Guidelines (English).” A summary can be found here.
Be careful when uploading text or images.

  • Do not post content that you do not have the intellectual property rights (copyrights) to.
  • With this service, any posted content belongs to the user who made the post.
  • Posts must not be in violation of any laws.
  • Do not post content containing child pornography or abuse, and sexual content.
  • Do not post content which promotes discrimination or ideologies (Religious, Political, Race, Occupation, Sex).
  • Do not post content that may be offensive to others.
  • Do not post content that is not related to the service.
  • Content deletion function is not provided in any service that consist of content which is compiled by multiple users. Due to copyright is shared by multiple users in that type of content. And even if the posting user requests deletion to Celsys, that decision is left to Celsys.
  • By posting to this service, you consent to the usage of your post within CELSYS. Posts may be altered, edited or translated.
  • Users are requested to take responsibility for the content they post. We will sincerely correspond to precise requests from users.
  • This service provides a report feature. If this feature is used the user of the post will be contacted by CELSYS. Please follow any directions given by CELSYS which corresponds to the post.
  • Even if it is not directly stated in the rules, policies or guidelines, please refrain from participating in problematic behavior or problematic posts. Please act in a respectful and rational manner.